The Center for Contemplative practice is the home of
Contemplative PRactice yoga® therapy

What is Contemplative Practice Yoga® Therapy?


Yoga Therapy is gentle. We never push you, exhaust you, or ask you to do anything that is painful.  


Yoga therapy is different from physical therapy.  This is not a work-out and what we teach you differs physical therapy exercises.


Yoga therapy dissolves pain when no other therapies or medical interventions have helped or when surgery is not indicated.

We focus on releasing (not stretching)  the deep tensions in the core of your body.   What we do ensures that you are comfortable and at ease throughout a session.

All Yoga Therapy sessions are private, one-on-one sessions

Every yoga therapy protocol includes giving you a practice to do for yourself—a practice specific to your body, abilities, needs, and time constraints.

We teach you how to keep yourself out of pain so that you are not dependent on a therapist.


Yoga Therapy may use one of two techniques or a combination of both in any given session, depending on your needs. The two techniques are:

1. Yoga Poses (Asanas)

You are assisted through a gentle series of therapeutic poses specific your level of ability, needs, and comfort. These are selected to release tension and alleviate pain.

Each pose is fully supported.  You are completely comfortable, allowing for opening and softening into the pose, rather than forcing or imposing the pose upon your body.

This is a gentle, tranquil process.

2.  Quintessence Yoga Therapy™

In Quintessence Yoga Therapy™ is for those in debilitating pain, who have very limited range of movement, or are recovering from injury or illness. The therapist places you in a comfortable, relaxed position on your back, either on the floor or on a massage table if you cannot easily get to the floor. You are supported by blankets and cushions. The therapy consists of soft, gentle touch on some of your bones which releases the tension in the muscles along your spine. This is a very gentle but deep release of muscle tensions which are causing pain or discomfort.

 The benefits of Yoga Therapy are:

·        Reduces pain — acute and chronic

·        Releases chronic tensions throughout your body

·        Helps relieve stress and stress-related conditions throughout your body

·        Helps to balance your immune system

·        Quiets your mind, thereby allowing greater peace of mind